Head: Duke                      

Torso: Gung Ho
Arms: Gung Ho
Waist: Gung Ho
Legs: Gung Ho
Hat: Cross Hair
Holster and Puches: BBI

File Name: Williams, Ross A.        SN: RA 564-68-2954
Primary Military Specialty: Infantry
Secondary Military Specialty: Social Services
Birthplace: Thibodaux, Louisiana      Grade: E-4

Muskrat spent his formative years knee deep in the muck of every swamp
he could find, hunting possums, raccoons and wild pigs.  He learned
every trick in the book of swamp survival and evasion before he learned to
drive a car, from  sprinkling cayenne pepper in his tracks to throw off his
scent and laying false trails into water moccasin layers, to setting snares
and rigging deadfalls. Being chased through a swamp is nothing more to
Muskrat than a good time.
“The swamps in Louisiana are a dangerous place, infested not only with every
type of poisonous reptile you could imagine but such ilk as poachers, gator
skinners, moonshiners, smugglers and chain gang escapees. Muskrat has held
his own against them all. Ranger School and JWTC* were like summer camp to
him. As far as Muskrat was concerned he wasn't learning anything exotic at

*Joint Warfare Training Center